Thursday, 11 October 2012


I was just three days back from Canada, when I already had to leave for another Conference to Kagoshima.

Kagoshima is a town in the south of Kyushu, which lays most south of the 4 main Islands of Japan.

I was really looking forward, because Machi came with me and Kyushu is very famous for it's hot springs. I love a bath in a Japanese hot spring the most. It's certainly my favorite Japanese cultural good.
九州は温泉でとても有名で、満知も一緒に鹿児島に行ったので、すごく楽しんだ! 僕にとって温泉は日本の最高な文品だ!

We arrived on Thursday noon, but on Thursday I had to attend the conference at the University of Kagoshima.

Since a Taifun was approaching Japan and was supposed to arrive on Saturday in Kagoshima we used the Friday to visit the volcanic Island of Sakurajima, east of Kagoshima.

We walked to the ferry port and stopped at the Statue of xxx
フェリー港へ歩いた時に、 xの像の所で止まった。

Funny little creatures gathered around the statue.

The ferry to Sakurajima was very cheap: only 150 yen – one way.

The Island is highly volcanic active, since the Island is actually a volcano.

The geology of the Island was amazing.

First we learned some things about the history of the Island in the Information center and logged at the same time our first Geo-Geocache. People lived on Sakurajima because the soil was fertile and they could grow the biggest reddish in the world!

Last year the volcano erupted 1355 times and when we arrived it had already erupted 910 times this year. The seismographs didn't show any movement of the ground when we stood in the information center. The volcano seemed to sleep today.
去年に桜島の火山は1355回噴火して、着いたと時に今年にはもう910回噴火した。 観光案内所にいた時に、地震計は全然動かなかって、今日には火山が眠そうだった。

We decided to have lunch in a small restaurant and take a tour bus around the Island to get closer to the smoking crater. Later we wanted to visit the hot spring of the Island.
昼ご飯を小さいレストランで食べて、火山を近い所から見えるようになるためにバスで櫻島の回り乗ることにした。 あとで、温泉に行きたかった。

I had Natto-Don. Basically something I have a lot for lunch in University, but my own creation is much simpler. Without the raw fish, the onions or potato. Basically only rice and Natto.
僕は納豆どんを食べた。一般的に岡山大学でよく自分で作った納豆どんを食べているけど、僕の納豆どんの方が簡単です。 刺し身、葱、と芋入れてない。 基本的に、ご飯と納豆さえ使えば、僕の納豆どんを作るよ。

The bus stops at many points on the Island, such at some art that was made from the numerous stones laying around.

The moment we arrived at the closest point to crater the volcano erupted. It was my first eruption to see and I was just amazed by the black smoke rising into the air. The ground wasn't shaking and no magma was spilling out of the crater though, it was still beautiful to see.

From the view point we could also see Kagoshima, which was very close to the Island.

The hot spring water was quite salty, since it was very close to the see. Refreshed Machi and I left back to Kagoshima.
桜島温泉は浜にあるので、温泉水はけっこう塩水の味がした。 満智と僕は元気になって、鹿児島に戻った。

One really unique thing in Kagoshima is the always present volcanic ash in the city. It covers just everything. People collect the ash in bags and leave them at the street so that they can get picked up.
鹿児島の名物はいつもあるの火山灰のことだ。 本当にどこでもあるよ。 鹿児島人は火山灰を集めて、ゴミバッグに入れて、清掃夫はそのバグを取りまとめる。

The Taifun number 17 turned slightly to the east and missed Kagoshima. It was still rainy on Saturday though. We wanted to try a hot Sand-bath in a village that was about an one hour train ride in the south of Kagoshima, Ibutsuki.

At a museum I talked to people who grilled some “Knüppelteig”, a kind of bread we use to make in Germany at one fires. They also offered us a red sweet potato, pizza and the bread. Those people were amazingly kind to us and we were happy to get some Haribo with us; just something we could give them in return.
イブツキの美術館でドイツのパンを焼いてる人と話した。 僕らに薩摩芋、ピザとパンをあげた。 本当に優しかった。よかったら、僕らはドイツのハリボも持って行って、美実間の人にあげた。

The sand bath was great and really heated our bodies up. As lunch we had in groundwater boiled eggs with a special Kagoshima-Don.
暖かい砂はとても素晴らしくて、僕らの身体に温められた。 昼食の時には地下水で茹でた卵どんを食べた。

Before we left Kagoshima the next day, we found a German bakery. They sold some things you can indeed get in Germany and I ate my first Mohnbrötchen since I had left Germany in March!!!
岡山に戻る前に、ドイツのパン屋さんを見つけた。 そのパン屋さんは本当のドイツのパン屋さんの焼き物を売れる。ドイツから日本に行った時から、メッチャ美味しいパンを食べてなかった。

If you ever happen to go to Kagoshima, make sure to enjoy the numerous Onsen in the city and around the town.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Niagara Falls

My first day in Niagara I tried to recover from my sickness.

On Sunday everything was fine again.
Before the Conference opening I wanted to walk to the US.

It was great to walk over the Rainbow Bridge and to see the gigantic falls.

Because both sides seem completely the same, you couldn't feel a different between both countries. Only the flag changed.

First I thought the squirrels are different in the US, because they were brown, but at the end I recognized that in Niagara the squirrels were brown too.

To see the falls from a close distance was great.

During the conference I met old friends from Australia again.

It was great to meet many people from 61 countries, and even from Dresden about 6 people came to the conference.

My presentation went really good and I got a lot of feed back from the audience during the last 3 days.

On Wednesday I went to a trip to lake Erie and Ontario. The lake looked like ocean, but the water didn't taste salty.

On Friday we returned to Toronto and Saturday morning I flew back to Tokyo. I arrived pretty exhausted at 4 p.m. on Sunday in Narita and was 11 p.m. back in my apartment in Okayama.