Thursday, 11 October 2012


I was just three days back from Canada, when I already had to leave for another Conference to Kagoshima.

Kagoshima is a town in the south of Kyushu, which lays most south of the 4 main Islands of Japan.

I was really looking forward, because Machi came with me and Kyushu is very famous for it's hot springs. I love a bath in a Japanese hot spring the most. It's certainly my favorite Japanese cultural good.
九州は温泉でとても有名で、満知も一緒に鹿児島に行ったので、すごく楽しんだ! 僕にとって温泉は日本の最高な文品だ!

We arrived on Thursday noon, but on Thursday I had to attend the conference at the University of Kagoshima.

Since a Taifun was approaching Japan and was supposed to arrive on Saturday in Kagoshima we used the Friday to visit the volcanic Island of Sakurajima, east of Kagoshima.

We walked to the ferry port and stopped at the Statue of xxx
フェリー港へ歩いた時に、 xの像の所で止まった。

Funny little creatures gathered around the statue.

The ferry to Sakurajima was very cheap: only 150 yen – one way.

The Island is highly volcanic active, since the Island is actually a volcano.

The geology of the Island was amazing.

First we learned some things about the history of the Island in the Information center and logged at the same time our first Geo-Geocache. People lived on Sakurajima because the soil was fertile and they could grow the biggest reddish in the world!

Last year the volcano erupted 1355 times and when we arrived it had already erupted 910 times this year. The seismographs didn't show any movement of the ground when we stood in the information center. The volcano seemed to sleep today.
去年に桜島の火山は1355回噴火して、着いたと時に今年にはもう910回噴火した。 観光案内所にいた時に、地震計は全然動かなかって、今日には火山が眠そうだった。

We decided to have lunch in a small restaurant and take a tour bus around the Island to get closer to the smoking crater. Later we wanted to visit the hot spring of the Island.
昼ご飯を小さいレストランで食べて、火山を近い所から見えるようになるためにバスで櫻島の回り乗ることにした。 あとで、温泉に行きたかった。

I had Natto-Don. Basically something I have a lot for lunch in University, but my own creation is much simpler. Without the raw fish, the onions or potato. Basically only rice and Natto.
僕は納豆どんを食べた。一般的に岡山大学でよく自分で作った納豆どんを食べているけど、僕の納豆どんの方が簡単です。 刺し身、葱、と芋入れてない。 基本的に、ご飯と納豆さえ使えば、僕の納豆どんを作るよ。

The bus stops at many points on the Island, such at some art that was made from the numerous stones laying around.

The moment we arrived at the closest point to crater the volcano erupted. It was my first eruption to see and I was just amazed by the black smoke rising into the air. The ground wasn't shaking and no magma was spilling out of the crater though, it was still beautiful to see.

From the view point we could also see Kagoshima, which was very close to the Island.

The hot spring water was quite salty, since it was very close to the see. Refreshed Machi and I left back to Kagoshima.
桜島温泉は浜にあるので、温泉水はけっこう塩水の味がした。 満智と僕は元気になって、鹿児島に戻った。

One really unique thing in Kagoshima is the always present volcanic ash in the city. It covers just everything. People collect the ash in bags and leave them at the street so that they can get picked up.
鹿児島の名物はいつもあるの火山灰のことだ。 本当にどこでもあるよ。 鹿児島人は火山灰を集めて、ゴミバッグに入れて、清掃夫はそのバグを取りまとめる。

The Taifun number 17 turned slightly to the east and missed Kagoshima. It was still rainy on Saturday though. We wanted to try a hot Sand-bath in a village that was about an one hour train ride in the south of Kagoshima, Ibutsuki.

At a museum I talked to people who grilled some “Knüppelteig”, a kind of bread we use to make in Germany at one fires. They also offered us a red sweet potato, pizza and the bread. Those people were amazingly kind to us and we were happy to get some Haribo with us; just something we could give them in return.
イブツキの美術館でドイツのパンを焼いてる人と話した。 僕らに薩摩芋、ピザとパンをあげた。 本当に優しかった。よかったら、僕らはドイツのハリボも持って行って、美実間の人にあげた。

The sand bath was great and really heated our bodies up. As lunch we had in groundwater boiled eggs with a special Kagoshima-Don.
暖かい砂はとても素晴らしくて、僕らの身体に温められた。 昼食の時には地下水で茹でた卵どんを食べた。

Before we left Kagoshima the next day, we found a German bakery. They sold some things you can indeed get in Germany and I ate my first Mohnbrötchen since I had left Germany in March!!!
岡山に戻る前に、ドイツのパン屋さんを見つけた。 そのパン屋さんは本当のドイツのパン屋さんの焼き物を売れる。ドイツから日本に行った時から、メッチャ美味しいパンを食べてなかった。

If you ever happen to go to Kagoshima, make sure to enjoy the numerous Onsen in the city and around the town.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Niagara Falls

My first day in Niagara I tried to recover from my sickness.

On Sunday everything was fine again.
Before the Conference opening I wanted to walk to the US.

It was great to walk over the Rainbow Bridge and to see the gigantic falls.

Because both sides seem completely the same, you couldn't feel a different between both countries. Only the flag changed.

First I thought the squirrels are different in the US, because they were brown, but at the end I recognized that in Niagara the squirrels were brown too.

To see the falls from a close distance was great.

During the conference I met old friends from Australia again.

It was great to meet many people from 61 countries, and even from Dresden about 6 people came to the conference.

My presentation went really good and I got a lot of feed back from the audience during the last 3 days.

On Wednesday I went to a trip to lake Erie and Ontario. The lake looked like ocean, but the water didn't taste salty.

On Friday we returned to Toronto and Saturday morning I flew back to Tokyo. I arrived pretty exhausted at 4 p.m. on Sunday in Narita and was 11 p.m. back in my apartment in Okayama.

Monday, 24 September 2012

From Tokyo to Toronto

Two weeks ago, on Thursday, I flew early from Tokyo Narita Airport to Canada. It was the first time for me to fly from or to Nariata.

The automatically check-in didn't go well because of the German "Umlaut" in my name. I was surprised that the immigration officer spoke Japanese to me even though I didn't say a word. Maybe it was because of my visa status?

The flight with ANA was long but pleasant, even though the seats seemed to be smaller than in Emeriates or Quatar planes. The food was great too - I have chosen western style, as it was quite a while since I had bread and western food.
EmiratesのとQuatar Airの席と比べて、ANAの席のサイズの方が小さそうだったけど、 飛んだ時には本当に楽しかった。食事もとても素晴らしかった。僕は最近和食しか食べなかったので、洋風食を選んだ。

When we flew over America I realised how spacious everything is. It reminded me on Australia. The staff at the immigration was unfriendly, but what did I expect, coming from Japan?
From the aircraft I could see that streets were arranged in a straight, net-like system and so the cities seemed to be not organic but very artificial.
I met the two guys, who sat next to my in the plane at the airport again and we talked in Japanese about our further travel, to shorten the time while waiting for the immigration. The immigration registration is very strict in America, so it took us almost one hour to get through.
We tried to find out what Chicago is famous for, but I could only come up with "Mafia".
アメリカの上に飛んでいた時に、広場が多いの気をついた。 オーストラリアみたいと思った。
飛行機から見たら 道路システムはますぐで網形のシステム見たいに企図されたと思った。
  入国審査官たち はあんまり丁寧ではなかったけど、日本と比べて前に何が思ったかな?待ってる間に、飛行機に僕の隣席に座っていた男の人々と日本語でその後の予定について 話していた。アメリカの出入国管理はとても厳しいので、けっこう一時間ちょっとかかった。チカーゴは何で有名だかなっていうかについて考えっていたけど、 僕はマフィアのことだけ考えた。

We booked previous to our departure into a very neat looking B&B hostel. The owner only left us a note at the door, telling us we shall enter with the key code he gave us.

But unfortunately, we had no key code.
We called him and left him a msg. eventually he rang us back ad told us the door code, while we had dinner in a thai restaurant.

The house was really interesting. An old building from the Victorian time and very beautiful inside.
ホステルはほとんど面白かった。 イギリスの伝統的で美しい建物だった。

There was no reception. Only sometimes in the evening and morning the owner of the hostel appeared. 

It was like in those horror films, when the guests are all alone by themselves.

It was very rainy on Friday.
I still went with an umbrella I borrowed from my Professor to an Island south of Toronto, on Lake Ontario.

It was nice to be in a green park, but unfortunately the Island wasn't very natural. Everything felt man made. After a nice walk, I took the ferry back which was very cheap with just 7 Dollar two-way.

I walked through china town and the University back to our hotel which was quite a long walk and took me about 5 hours. I must have eaten something strange in china town, because I became sick in the evening and stayed sick for the whole Saturday.
中国街から、トロント大学を潜って、ホテルに戻った。その散歩時間は5時間ぐらいかかった。 急に夕方の時に気持ち悪くなったので、 中国街であまり良くない昼ごはんを食べたはずだ。

Only Sunday it got better. I noticed that squirrels in Toronto are black, not red as they are in Europe. I also noticed that many people walk around with "coffee to go" cups, much more than I have ever seen in Japan or Europe.
日曜日には気分どんどん良くなった。 トロントの木鼠の色は、ヨーロッパの木鼠の色と比べて、真っ黒くて、赤くない。 日本にとヨーロッパにいる人のより、トロントにいる人の方がすごい『Coffee to go』って言う物を持っているの人は多いのこと気をついた。

Toronto is also very multi-cultural. 50% of its population was born outside of Canada. There are so many different nations gathered in one city and they live very peaceful together.
トロントはとても多文化的だ。 トロントの人口中で5割ぐらい外国で生まれた。 色々な国から来た人が一つの町に安穏に住んでいるのトロントだ。

The owner of our hostel told me (he is from Turkey) that it is that what he likes the most in Canada, that people except and respect each other.

He said "no matter where you come from, if you contribute to the country and you are a good person you should get the right to stay in that country.".

I agreed with him that many countries in Europe and Asia can learn from Canada about this.

We took a bus on Saturday to Niagara.

Monday, 10 September 2012


Today I went with nine people from Tokuyama Dojo to the middle-Japan Kyudo competition.

People came from The prefecture of Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Shimane, Tottori and Okayama to Tamano to participate at the competition.

Besides me only two more person had the first Kyu; everyone else had a Dan-title or even a Renshi, Kyoushi, or Hanshi title. The level was rather high and I really enjoyed it to see so many skilled people.

The Tamano Dojo provided even a lunch box and cold tea for us. Because it was very hot today, we were happy to have plenty of drinks.

Everyone was shooting four arrows in two rounds. The competition started at 9 o'clock in the morning and finished at five o'clock in the afternoon.

When we didn't shoot we helped to collect the arrows back and cleaned them. 弓道をやってない時に、僕らは引いた矢を集めて手伝って、矢を掃除してあげた。

We were all not so bad. Three of us came into the final and and one if them even became fourth place of the single guys competition! My team managed only place 32 of 64 with 11 hits.

It was really a great day and I hope that I can join into a competition in October again before i will take my 1. Dan exam.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Uraja - the Demon festival

This weekend was introduced with the annually highly expected fireworks around Okayama castle. I gathered with Machi, Sten, and three other friends in Korakuen (後楽園), where we had a beautiful view on the castle and watched the exploding rockets. Two years ago I was watching this spectacle at the Asahi river (旭川) among a huge crowd. Since there is at the moment a light festival in Korakuen (後楽園) and not so many people (but still way more than usually) went to the park, we enjoyed the night in the park much more than at the crowded river bank; nibbling on our bottle of wine.

Beginning of the fireworks at 19.30

Final rockets at 20.30

On Sunday the festival in Okayama continued! This festival is called "Uraja" (うらじゃ), the festival of the Demons and marks a feast that was introduced in Okayama 1994. Along the main road in front of the main station, groups from all over Okayama gather and dance from the afternoon until 9 pm. They paint their faces and dress in colourful clothes to become demons! But why demons? 
One of the most famous stories about and around Okayama is the story of Momotarou (桃太郎) - the peach boy. That's probably also the reason why the peach price in Okayama varies from 5 to 10 Euro per peach (o.o)7. You can read about the story here. Since Machis friend "Poly" danced in a group at the festival, Machi, Joe, "Polies" boyfriend Yoshipi, and I went of course in to the city to see all the dancing children and growing ups. The last two months in Okayama were pretty hot and humid, but "thanks" to a Taifun in the south of Japan, the wind was rather strong yesterday and gave us some cooling. At 9 pm all groups and visitors gathered and danced together on the street. I can't tell how many people were there, but south and north along the street I could only see folks, dancing together. I really enjoyed the atmosphere.

Break for young dancers!

And Poly

It must have been pretty hard to dance all afternoon for the little ones.

Yoshipi and Poly.

Final dance with everyone at 9 pm.

People gathered to dance together!

I tried to capture the atmosphere during the folk dance with my iphone, but blogspot has somehow problems uploading the mov file - I apologise for the bad converted version: