Saturday, 7 April 2012

Sakura - Appendix

It's Saturday, and people who stream in to the Handayama botanical garden (半田山植物園) woke me up this morning, with their agile chatting. They stream into the garden because the cherry trees are almost in full blossom. I heard, that it is expected to be full this Sunday/Monday but this basically depends on the cherry tree. So is the "Okinawa"-Cherry already dropping it's flowers and some trees are just at 10% blossom.

Tomorrow will be Hanami (花見) for me with Machis family. For now, just a couple of pictures of cherry trees in Okayama.

White cherry - beginning of this week.

Campus, Okayama, Tuesday!

Wednesday - campus

Campus Okayama, Education building - Thursday

White cherry, Okayama campus - Friday night

Handayama - Saturday

Graveyard Handayama - Saturday

Entrance Houkaiin temple - Saturday


  1. Danke, Danke. In letzter Zeit nutze ich das iphone viel, um Photos zu machen. Photos von heute werden noch nachgereicht. Das Wetter war/ist echt Bombe im Moment!
