Friday, 17 February 2012

Belated Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day passed by and I forgot to write a message. The reason is that I’m still waiting for a Valentine’s present from Machi that got somehow stuck in the post process between Japan and Germany.  Hopefully it is going to arrive tomorrow.
I wouldn’t mention that day probably here in the blog if I wouldn’t have listed to the radio at that day. They talked on MDR-Figaro about a new movie that is nominated for a golden bear in Berlin. This movie is about the last months of a boy who was executed by the Nazis in Paris at the 22nd of October 1941. His name is Guy Moquet. I’ve never heard of him before, but what they told me in the radio rather moved my heart. The 17 year old boy, and everyone else who was going to get execute with him, was “allowed” to write a farewell letter to their parents and beloved ones. A final letter; your final words to the ones who will miss you - who you love so much. I still haven’t read the letter of the boy, which still exists. But, I was sitting in the kitchen of my father on the wooden table and tried to imagine what this boy must have felt while he was writing his last lines. I couldn’t, because I sit here sound and save, in a peaceful Germany. How could anyone be able to imagine this who was never in a situation like that. I tried anyway – tried to imagine what I would write in my last letter.
Since a while, I think, do I appreciate so called “simple” things in life and yet do many people miss them (out). A smile from someone you like, the presence of beloved friends and family, a cup of tea, and a piece of bread with butter. My friend Phoebe gave me this lovely book of “Tuesdays with Morrie”, which was really moving. But I got side-tracked.
I think, I would deeply thank both of my parents who sacrificed so much to raise me. I hope that I can give it one day back to you in one way or another.  Thank you to my beloved siblings who challenged me a lot and helped me to become what I am. I’m often worried about the two little ones and hope that they will find their way and gain the courage to break new grounds. My love, Machi, who is always there for me and with me in my heart.  Soon it will be two years and yet it feels like we know each other for much longer. I do love you so much!
My friends, who I can’t list hear all, because I fear that I may miss one. We had so many amazing moments together and in dark times I remember them quite often to cheer myself up. You guys are all very special to me and I hope that we will meet often, even though we all take different ways in life from now on and will live in different corners of this world.
My letter would also contain a huge thank you to anyone who helped me in my life: all those farmers who cropped the corn for the bread I ate; raised the cow, whose milked I drank, and everyone on this huge globe who supported me in one way or another. People think now days that they are independent, and yet they are not. Our all existence depends on each other, not only on the people in your state, or nation, or continent; no, everybody everywhere depends on each other.  
In that way: happy belated Valentine’s day my loves!

Your Ray

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Pre-Valentines day

From today 67 years ago Dresden was bombed by British and American bombers. Every year  anti-Semitic groups try to use this day for their propaganda and citizen of Dresden and elsewhere from Germany try to stop them, try to contemplate about the victims of the bombing in Dresden, Germany, and all over the world with the hope that this globe will become peaceful one day.

Also today the citizen came together and formed a human chain around the inner city of Dresden to signal that neo-Nazis are not welcome in this city. I realised today that I haven't seen neo-Nazis demonstrating within the inner city for at least three years and today they were again forced to march around the city centre. When I took the tram number 1 from Dobritz I was astonished by the sheer number of people in the tram. I was even more astonished when I realised that they were actually Nazis from West Germany who came by Bus to Dresden. Last year some of them couldn't demonstrate because people from all over Germany blocked their way from the train stations. This was subject to some discussion prior to the event today, whether civil disobedience against Nazis is "good" or "bad". However, even though there was a lot of police in the city today, with tear gas and horses did no huge riots occur. It was quite, and the Nazis who were allowed to demonstrate until 11 p.m. went home at 8 p.m. and the counter protesters looked satisfied for this year. Hopefully, the city council will ban the Nazi demonstrations in Dresden in the next year!  

Students protest against Nazis in Dresden/Altmarkt.

On the way to Budapester Str., to block the coming Nazis.

Blockage close to the Budapest Str. in Dresden.

Friday, 10 February 2012

A while ago

I deeply apologise for my late reply. Somehow I was mostly too tiered to write in the evening or when I could find the power to do something then I was working on my thesis. This thing is now finally submitted; to Germany and Australia. I don't know what it is going to become and how they will mark me, but I have to admit that I somehow don't really care any more. How comes? One reason may possible be that I already have something to look forward to: a job in Japan (my CoE is on the way) and Machi waiting for me in Osaka. Just a pass would be enough, though.

Anyway, my brother came home yesterday. He arrived in Germany last Monday from Afghanistan. We were all pretty much relieved to hear that he came back healthy. Mentally as well as physically. He came yesterday to my mothers house and for him and me was it almost a year since we have seen each other for the last time. We probably have to get use to it - after I'll have left. He also brought his new little dog with him. It's a Mops-Beagle mix and my sister fell in love with him.